
Episode 04 is now available for replay, and we’re tweaking some plans for episode 5. We always try to deliver content that is important, informative, and accurate…and occasionally entertaining.

As a result of your feedback, we will be trying a couple new things this week.

  1. We heard the GotoWebinar platform was a little confusing, so we are transitioning to a new platform! Thank you for the feedback and patience as we pivot and try something new.
  2. We heard that many of you would prefer to view us LIVE, directly on Facebook. Firstly, we’re flattered that you want to see our faces so prominently on your feed. Clearly, you know quality when you see it. We like the idea of making our content more accessible and expect the Facebook Live platform will generate more viewer engagement.
  3. We heard that the volume of mind-blowing content we deliver can be overwhelming at one time. Again, flattered. We agree; the content we share is new information for most viewers. We want you to absorb it and use it. We will follow each episode with a blog post with downloadable links, info, and notes from our panel of experts.

Thank you for your feedback, and feel free to send your notes, questions, and flattery to anytime.

In the next day or two, we will share info about this week’s event, the new platform, and where you may be able to join us and participate live, in person.